Friday, 16 October 2009

Google to Reveal More About Chrome OS Tonight

After a quick peek at what Google Chrome OS may look like in July, users finally will receive more details about the new operating system after the Front End Engineering Open House hosted by Google tonight.

Google Chrome OS is a natural extension of Chrome browserwhich Google released around one year ago. Chrome OS is a browser-central fast-booting computer operating system mainly designed for people who living on the web. Google promised that the new operating system can start up and take users online within a few seconds. Users can then surf the web or use services and applications online without wasting time and money to install drivers.

Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS,” Google said in its official blog. With Chrome OS, users no longer “have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates.

According to Charlie Sorrel, Google Chrome has five major advantages. I think three of them are particularly worth mentioning here.

  • Cheaper cost

Google Chrome OS will be free. Because the system is based on Linux, so users don’t have to spend money on Microsoft licensing fee.

  • Faster speed

Chrome OS can be run on low-powered Atom and ARM processors. All the applications and services online do not require much power from the netbook, hence the battery will be able to last longer.

  • Good Compatibility

Users don’t need to worry about the compatibility between drivers and operating systems because they don’t even need to install drivers.

Google said Chrome OS initially will target at netbooks, but will eventually be used on PCs as well . “The netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010”, said Google’s official blog.

When doing research for this blog posts, I was certainly excited to know there will be a free clean fast operating system available. However, I realised accessing applications online will need high Internet speed and lots of Internet quota. Actually, in Australia, broadband is slower but more expensive compared with the US and Japan. Users will need to pay $99 dollars for only 20GB per month according to Optus’ Internet plan. But my friend used to tell me even 30GB per month is not enough for online video viewing if you are really into Youtube. If you have to share one Internet line with your family or housemates, fast broadband will seem even further away. So unless you are really willing to invest in your online experience, using netbook with Chrome OS won’t be such a cheap option here in Australia.

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