Monday, 5 October 2009

Hachiko: A Dog’s Story

I saw the film Hachiko: A Dog’s Story recently and liked it a lot. So I’d like to recommend it to everyone who browses this blog.
The film is actually based on a real story happened in Japan. A faithful dog named Hachi would accompany his owner, a college professor, to the train station everyday in the morning, and greet him outside the station at night. Unfortunately one day the professor suddenly died of heart attack when he was teaching. However, the dog continued to wait for his owner outside the train station everyday for nearly ten years.
The story of Hachi is very well-known in Japan. Even today, there’s a bronze statue outside Shibuya train station in the city centre of Tokyo as a reminder of his loyalty and devotion.


  1. Looks like a real tear-jerker. Judging from the trailer, the dog is a way better actor than Richard Gere. He looked so pitifully sad!!
    Cute story though - but only cuz it's true. If it weren't I'd be gagging on the cheesiness.

  2. "the dog is a way better actor than Richard Gere."

    Oh, it's soooooo true............
